It all started with an ordinary tweet...
"I want to make a dojin, but it is difficult to make one in United States and share with others; also, finding good printing companies is really tough..."

Unlike in Japan, less dojin culture has taken hold in the United States. This is due to many factors, such as the lack of dojinshi conventions and merchants, or simply a difference of culture.
However, is it actually reckless to make a dojin in North America?
So, this project has launched!

Our main mission is to do one thing: "Make a dojin and sell it in Japan."
We would like to make a dojin book explaining differences between US and Japan,
the cost and quality of printings, how are Japanese dojin books reflected to the people in the US,
and such, and deliver it to the Japanese reader.

Please feel free to spread the word.
You may link directly to the following URL and use our banners if you like.
(Right click on the banner and "copy URL")

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